Table 2.

Preintervention Parent Report of Physician Interactions and Child's Behaviors*

QuestionsResponses, n (%)
Within the past 2 years, my child's weight and height were measured in a doctor's office.
    Yes130 (94)
    No6 (4)
    N/A2 (2)
Within the past 2 years, my child's doctor discussed BMI with me.
    Yes82 (60)
    No49 (36)
    N/A6 (4)
Within the past 2 years, my child's doctor helped me to understand BMI.
    Yes74 (55)
    No49 (36)
    N/A11 (8)
My child's doctor has done Fitwits in the office with my child before today.
    Yes38 (29)
    No88 (67)
    N/A6 (5)
My child eats a portion size of food at each meal that is:
    Too little7 (5)
    About right101 (72)
    Too much32 (23)
My child eats this number of fruits and vegetable servings each day:
    ≤268 (49)
    3–469 (49)
    ≥53 (2)
My child drinks this number of sweetened drinks each day (soda/pop, juice, punch, sports drinks, powdered drinks, sweet tea, etc.):
    ≤149 (35)
    251 (36)
    >240 (29)
My child eats this number of junk food snacks each day (candy, cookies, cake, pastries, chips, fries, etc.):
    ≤146 (33)
    256 (40)
    >238 (27)
My child eats this number of fast food meals in a week:
    ≤196 (69)
    228 (20)
    >215 (11)
My child actively plays this number of hours each day:
    0–110 (7)
    119 (14)
    >1111 (79)
My child watches this number of hours of screen time (television + video + computer) each day (not including school):
    0–243 (31)
    2–353 (38)
    >342 (30)
A home television is located:
    Don't own a television0 (0.0)
    Child's sleeping area92 (68)
    Not in child's sleeping area43 (32)
A home computer is located:
    Don't own a computer28 (20)
    Child's sleeping area12 (9)
    Not in child's sleeping area100 (71)
  • * Sample size varied from 132 to 140.

  • Fitwits feasibility or physician studies or informally prior to this study.

  • BMI, body mass index; N/A, no response available for preadolescents without a well child visit within the past 2 years (preadolescents tend to have fewer well child visits than in early childhood).