Table 1.

Practice, Model Implementation, and Respondent Characteristics of Physicians and Practice Staff Responding to a Survey Conducted During the Third Year of the 5-Year Demonstration

Staff (n = 699)Physicians (n = 284)
Respondent characteristics
    Age (years)
    Female sex66995.714551.1
    Professional roleNA
        Nurse practitioner/physical assistant497.0
        Other nurse10014.3
        Medical assistant17424.9
        Practice manager13619.5
        Other clinical466.6
        Other administrative19427.8
    Job longevity (≥7 years)*31745.418765.8
Practice characteristics
    Pediatric practice9613.73412.0
    Practice size (no. of providers)
        12 or more689.76021.1
    EHR implementation change13519.311640.8
Model implementation characteristics
    Average CM job longevity (2.5 years or more)*31545.113547.5
    Average embedded CM FTE
    Embedded CMs (n)
        3 or 410815.53713.0
    CM(s) employer is the practice16123.03713.0
    Meeting or exceeding patients'/CM standards37553.617260.6
  • * Distributed approximately normally and treated as a continuous variable in the analysis.

  • CM, care manager; EHR, electronic health record; FTE, full-time equivalent; NA, not applicable.