Table 4.

Level of Clinic Integration and Number of US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations Adhered to by Clinic

Integration Level*Number of USPSTF Recommendations Adhered ToTotal
Low20 (35.1)31 (54.4)6 (10.5)57 (100.0)
High17 (25.8)25 (37.9)24 (36.4)66 (100.0)
Total37 (30.1)56 (45.5)30 (24.4)123 (100.0)
  • Data are n (%).

  • Differences are statistically significant (P < .01).

  • * Low integration indicates a solo, independent clinic or a clinic that is part of a health care system that does not include a hospital. High integration represents clinics that are part of a health care system that includes a hospital.

  • USPSTF, US Preventive Services Task Force.