Table 1.

Potential Barriers to Clinical Guideline Adherence within in Each of 3 Domains, as Collected by the Questionnaire

Sequence of Behavior ChangeBarrier to Guideline AdherenceQuestionnaire Item
KnowledgeLack of awareness2 Knowledge questions for each clinical service
Lack of familiarityI am very familiar with the clinical guidelines about this service.
AttitudesApplicability to patientGuidelines about this service rarely apply to the patients I see.
Not cost-beneficialThere is strong evidence about the limited benefits of providing this service.
Lack of self-efficacyI am confident in my ability to discuss the utility of this clinical service with patients.
Lack of motivation/inertiaI find it hard to break old habits and decrease use of this clinical service for patients.
PracticesReconciling patient preferencesPatient preferences strongly influence my decision making about providing this service.
Lack of timeI have adequate time in most clinical encounters to address the appropriateness of providing this clinical service to my patients.
Lack of resourcesI don't have adequate resources in my practice to help me address this issue.