Table 3.

Examples of Practice Improvement Projects Established by Patient Advisory Councils

Area of ImpactExamples
Clinic physical spaceImproved waiting room chairs
Creation of wheelchair access
Clinic artwork
Posting of facesheets/bios of providers
Healthy vending machine food
Improved clinic signage
Patient care/care communicationDistribution of BP cuffs and scales for patients
Creation of patient feedback comment box
Patient emergency medical sheet
Improved visit summary
Improved Spanish-language materials
Patient-designed clinic brochure and welcome letter
Redesigned advance directive packet
Feedback on provider practice regarding giving bad news
Feedback on barriers to immunization
Creation of patient visit preparation tool
Patient calendar
Clinic workflow/systemFeedback on online patient portal/electronic medical record
Feedback on staff customer service
Designing PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act cycles)
Program to reduce patient no-shows
Improved telephone access and Spanish-language phone access
Interventions to reduce patient wait time
Impact on clinic cultureStaff are more receptive to patient feedback
Staff seeks patient feedback before initiating projects
Staff draw connections between improved patient experience of care and improved patient adherence
Staff exposure to patient narratives
Changes in staff language more focused on patient experience
Initial staff resistance has abated
Movement to include patient members in other clinic programs and working groups
Improved sense of gratification and mission in work
  • BP, blood pressure.