Table 3.

Fecal Immunochemical Test Sensitivity for All Cases According to Regions, Seasons, Months and Temperature Levels and by Location of Tumors, Kaiser Permanente–Northern California (KPNC) 2007 to 2013

All CasesRight-Sided CancersLeft-Sided Cancers
Tests, nCasesPositiveAdjusted sensitivity, %*CasesPositiveAdjusted sensitivity, %*CasesPositiveAdjusted sensitivity, %*
Overall1,141,1621837142575.8 (73.8 to 77.8)70052572.6 (69.2 to 75.9)112489378.3 (75.9 to 80.7)
Temperature levels
    1 (Lowest)60,19713110379.6 (77.8 to 81.4)392976.9 (73.8 to 80.0)917481.6 (79.4 to 83.8)
    2322,86446536176.2 (74.3 to 78.2)18613573.0 (70.0 to 76.4)27522378.4 (76.0 to 81.0)
    3160,51626020376.0 (74.0 to 78.0)1078372.8 (69.5 to 76.2)15011978.2 (76.0 to 80.7)
    4528,12984565775.2 (73.2 to 77.2)33025172.0 (68.6 to 75.4)51040377.5 (75.0 to 80.0)
    5 (Highest)69,45613610175.7 (73.6 to 77.8)382772.6 (69.2 to 76.1)987477.9 (75.4 to 80.4)
    Winter239,87334826976.4 (74.4 to 78.3)1329573.2 (69.9 to 76.5)21517378.6 (76.2 to 81.0)
    Spring393,11955442774.9 (73.0 to 77.0)23517671.6 (68.2 to 75.0)31524977.3 (75.8 to 79.8)
    Summer340,99859346075.0 (73.0 to 77.0)21015971.8 (68.3 to 75.2)37929977.3 (74.8 to 80.0)
    Autumn167,17234226978.6 (76.8 to 80.5)1239575.7 (72.6 to 78.9)21517280.6 (78.5 to 83.0)
Test result month
    December/January87,82516112779.0 (77.0 to 80.7)543875.9 (72.8 to 79.1)1068980.9 (78.7 to 83.1)
    February/March220,79229422975.7 (73.7 to 77.7)1188672.4 (69.0 to 75.8)17414178.0 (75.5 to 80.4)
    April/November175,19528321876.4 (74.4 to 78.3)1078173.2 (70.0 to 76.5)17313578.6 (76.2 to 81.0)
    May/October204,81433325976.2 (74.3 to 78.2)14811773.3 (70.0 to 76.6)18214178.5 (76.1 to 81.0)
    June/July249,65638029974.5 (72.5 to 76.6)13810671.1 (67.8 to 74.7)23919176.9 (74.3 to 79.4)
    August/September202,88038629375.6 (73.6 to 77.6)1359772.4 (69.0 to 75.8)25019678.0 (75.5 to 80.3)
  • Ambient temperature levels were defined using the mean and 1.25 times the standard deviation (SD) of maximum temperatures by year aggregated over weekly intervals, >mean + 1.25 SD, >0.25mean, >means-0.25 SD, >means-1.25 SD and <means-1.25 SD (reference), in that order. Thus, the highest and lowest temperature levels were 1.25 times the level above or below the mean, respectively.

  • * The P-values for the differences in sensitivities in pair-wise comparison using Bonferonni correction were all < .01 relative to this group.

  • This model was adjusted for age, race/ethnicity, and sex. All models included a variable on colorectal cancer diagnosis and the sensitivity was derived using a predictive margins conditioned on cancer diagnosis.