RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Plantar Fascia Rupture: Ultrasound to Facilitate Recognition JF The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine JO J Am Board Fam Med FD American Board of Family Medicine SP 282 OP 285 DO 10.3122/jabfm.2018.02.170268 VO 31 IS 2 A1 Servey, Jessica T. A1 Jonas, Christopher YR 2018 UL http://www.jabfm.org/content/31/2/282.abstract AB Plantar fascia rupture in the absence of previous diagnosis of plantar fasciitis, corticosteroid injection, or injury is a rare occurrence with only 7 case reports in the literature since 1978. This is a case of spontaneous plantar fascia rupture in a 38-year-old active-duty US military member with current considerations in musculoskeletal ultrasound, other radiologic imaging, treatment, and followup of this diagnosis.