PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Siwik, Violet AU - Kutob, Randa AU - Ritenbaugh, Cheryl AU - Cruz, Luis AU - Senf, Janet AU - Aickin, Mikel AU - Going, Scott AU - Shatte, Andrew TI - Intervention in Overweight Children Improves Body Mass Index (BMI) and Physical Activity AID - 10.3122/jabfm.2013.02.120118 DP - 2013 Mar 01 TA - The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine PG - 126--137 VI - 26 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Am Board Fam Med2013 Mar 01; 26 AB - Background: Childhood obesity is a growing epidemic in family medicine with few clinical treatment options. We implemented and evaluated a group office-visit intervention by family physicians for overweight children and their parents, emphasizing nutrition and physical activity within a resiliency psychosocial model. Methods: The intervention lasted for 3 months, with half of the children crossing over to intervention after 6 months in the study. Participants included 35 children who met eligibility criteria of being in third through fifth grades and having a body mass index (BMI) above the 85th percentile. The 3-month, 12-session intervention, “Choices,” included topics on nutrition, physical activity, and resiliency. The sessions were developed for delivery by a family physician and a nutritionist who received training in positive psychology and resilience skills. Main outcome measures were BMI z scores for age and sex and z scores for weight by age and sex, as well as qualitative interviews to understand individual and family processes. Results: The intervention resulted in a significant effect on one primary outcome, BMI z score (−0.138 per 9 months [P = .017]) and a trend toward significance on the weight for age z score (−0.87 per 9 months [P = .09]). The net shift of activity from the low metabolic equivalents (METs) to the high METs had an intervention effect of 2.84 METs (P = .037). Families reported lasting changes in behaviors and attitudes. Discussion: The innovative approach used in this study demonstrated modest efficacy in reducing BMI z score, changing physical activity levels, and possibly shifting family dynamics.