PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Xu, Jinping AU - Victoria Neale, Anne AU - Dailey, Rhonda K. AU - Eggly, Susan AU - Schwartz, Kendra L. TI - Patient Perspective on Watchful Waiting/Active Surveillance for Localized Prostate Cancer AID - 10.3122/jabfm.2012.06.120128 DP - 2012 Nov 01 TA - The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine PG - 763--770 VI - 25 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Am Board Fam Med2012 Nov 01; 25 AB - Objective: To describe prostate cancer treatment decision making, focusing on knowledge and attitudes toward observation, known as watchful waiting (WW) or active surveillance (AS), and reasons for not choosing WW/AS. Methods: Semistructured in-person interviews were conducted with 21 men (14 black; 7 white) with recently diagnosed localized prostate cancer. Results: All cancers were detected by prostate-specific antigen screening; 14 men had low-risk disease. Nineteen chose surgery or radiation treatment. The majority wanted to “get rid of” or “cure” the cancer by undergoing aggressive therapy, even with awareness of the potential for significant side effects. Most men seemed unaware of the uncertainty/controversies that aggressive treatment may not cure their cancer or improve their survival. Limited knowledge about WW/AS was common, and few remembered WW/AS being presented as a viable option. Rather, many men perceived it as “doing nothing.” Some men, who initially were inclined toward WW/AS, yielded to pressure from family, physicians, or both to choose aggressive treatment. Lack of physician support was a significant barrier to WW/AS. Conclusions: The observational strategy (WW/AS) was not viewed as a reasonable approach, even for those with low-risk cancer. The desire for aggressive therapy may reflect the complex psychology associated with receiving a diagnosis of cancer and the limited supportive counseling received. Further efforts to better understand and educate patients and physicians may help men make informed and appropriate treatment decisions to maximize quality of life without compromising survival.