PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Bussey, Henry AU - Quandt, Christine AU - Rospond, Raylene AU - Loesch, Winnie TI - Unraveling The Mysteries Of Serum Theophylline Levels: A Patient Care Report In The Light Of Pharmacokinetics AID - 10.3122/jabfm.1.4.282 DP - 1988 Oct 01 TA - The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice PG - 282--287 VI - 1 IP - 4 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Am Board Fam Med1988 Oct 01; 1 AB - One of our patients had trouble maintaining therapeutic and safe levels of theophylline, even though we were careful in planning and monitoring her drug regimen. This case report shows how we were able to use principles of pharmacokinetics to distinguish among plausible explanations for her experience. We discovered that she was not taking the drug consistently as prescribed and that supervised administration resolved apparent contradictions between doses and serum levels. We believe that physicians can use the same information and methods that we used to get better and safer results from theophylline therapy.