RT Journal Article SR Electronic T1 Focus on Clinical Practice: Improving the Quality of Care JF The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine JO J Am Board Fam Med FD American Board of Family Medicine SP 263 OP 265 DO 10.3122/jabfm.2012.03.120068 VO 25 IS 3 A1 Bowman, Marjorie A. A1 Neale, Anne Victoria YR 2012 UL http://www.jabfm.org/content/25/3/263.abstract AB In this diverse issue, we have a report on the high cost of diabetes quality improvement programs. Two studies using health information technology, including one that embedded a questionnaire and tool for bipolar disorder into an electronic health record to improve diagnosis, and another that collected information about anxiety and depression for adolescents with a personal digital assistant. Other articles considered sources of disparities in screening for colorectal cancer in rural Georgia, and the characteristics of sepsis in HIV patients. Clinicians will likely find interesting how patients interpret and report provider reactions to interpersonal violence situations. We also have a review of the symptoms patients report in a community practice sample; breast cancer survivors' perspectives on acupuncture for treating hot flashes; clinical reviews about Alzheimer disease and prasugrel; and several interesting brief case reports.