PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Cohen, Aaron F AU - Tiemstra, Jeffrey D TI - Diagnosis and treatment of rosacea. DP - 2002 May 01 TA - The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice PG - 214--217 VI - 15 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Am Board Fam Med2002 May 01; 15 AB - BACKGROUND Rosacea is a common skin disorder affecting middle-aged and older adults. Many patients mistakenly assume that early rosacea is normally aging skin and are not aware that effective treatments exist to prevent progression to permanent disfiguring skin changes.METHODS The medical literature was reviewed on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of rosacea. MEDLINE was searched using the key search terms "rosacea," "rhinophyma," "metronidazole," "Helicobacter pylori," and "facial redness."RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Rosacea is easily diagnosed by physician observation, and physicians should initiate discussion of rosacea treatment with patients. Effective treatment of rosacea includes avoidance of triggers, topical and oral antibiotic therapy, both topical and oral retinoid therapy, topical vitamin C therapy, and cosmetic surgery.