PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Stenger, Robert J. AU - DeVoe, Jennifer E. TI - Policy Challenges in Building the Medical Home: Do We Have a Shared Blueprint? AID - 10.3122/jabfm.2010.03.090140 DP - 2010 May 01 TA - The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine PG - 384--392 VI - 23 IP - 3 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Am Board Fam Med2010 May 01; 23 AB - Background: The notion of a patient-centered medical home features prominently in policy reform initiatives across the country, with both state and federal legislation focusing on this new model. We sought to understand the views of key stakeholders and to examine the challenging landscape facing policymakers and practitioners as they attempt to translate the medical home concept into widespread practice change.Methods: We reviewed legislative documents from state legislative sessions in the year 2007 to identify pieces of legislation that included the medical home concept. Concurrently we conducted an in-depth qualitative analysis of de-identified field notes from a purposeful sample of semistructured interviews conducted with key stakeholders in Oregon after the passage of health reform legislation in 2007.Results: Legislation that further defined and expounded on the medical home concept was introduced in states across the country in 2007, and some federal and state demonstration projects were already underway. However, we identified a number of barriers to widespread implementation of the medical home, most notably lack of a clear operational definition. Key stakeholders had widely disparate views about elements central to the success of medical home demonstrations, including delivery system reform, payment reform, and performance incentives for providers.Conclusions: Since 2007 the concept of the medical home has gained increasing attention in health care reform debates. Our findings suggest that translating this concept into successful, widespread reform will require that policymakers build further consensus among key stakeholders and require them to address critical barriers to avoid repeating pitfalls of past reform efforts.