PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Rush, William A. AU - Whitebird, Robin R. AU - Rush, Monica R. AU - Solberg, Leif I. AU - O'Connor, Patrick J. TI - Depression in Patients with Diabetes: Does It Impact Clinical Goals? AID - 10.3122/jabfm.2008.05.070101 DP - 2008 Sep 01 TA - The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine PG - 392--397 VI - 21 IP - 5 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Am Board Fam Med2008 Sep 01; 21 AB - Introduction: To examine whether depressive symptoms are associated with achievement of recommended goals for control of glucose, lipids, and blood pressure among patients with diabetes.Methods: We used a prospective cohort study of 1223 adults with diabetes that obtained self-reported depression symptoms from a survey. Medication use was obtained from claims data, and pharmacy and clinical data were obtained by manual review of paper medical records.Results: Diabetes patients with depression symptoms were less likely to be at their glucose goal (43% vs 50%; P = .0176) but more likely to be at their blood pressure goal (57% vs 51%; P = .0435). The association between lipids and depression symptoms was related to a lower rate for low-density lipoprotein testing (56% vs 68%; P < .0001). Treatment with antidepressants resulted in a greater percentage achieving glucose and blood pressure goals but not lipid goals.Conclusions: Depression seems to have a variable impact on achieving these clinical goals, perhaps because the goals have differing measurement logistics and biological profiles. Further research is needed to learn whether better treatment of depressive symptoms leads to improvements in meeting diabetes clinical goals.