PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Naimer, Sody A AU - Peleg, Roni AU - Meidvidovski, Yevgeni AU - Zvulunov, Alex AU - Cohen, Arnon Dov AU - Vardy, Daniel TI - Office management of penile skin bridges with electrocautery. DP - 2002 Nov 01 TA - The Journal of the American Board of Family Practice PG - 485--488 VI - 15 IP - 6 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Am Board Fam Med2002 Nov 01; 15 AB - BACKGROUND Penile skin bridges are an uncommon complication of circumcision that are often found in general practice. This condition can be treated successfully in the office, avoiding referral for a surgical procedure.METHODS Four case reports of the technique of treating penile skin bridges are described, and the literature on the cause and treatment of skin bridges is reviewed.RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Using local anesthesia and bipolar diathermy, penile skin bridges were successfully treated in the office on 4 patients of different ages. There was no bleeding and the wounds healed without complication. This brief and simple technique, described in detail, is appropriate for an office procedure in family practice.