PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - Kogan, Alexis Coulourides AU - Kraus, Kya AU - Olsen, Bonnie AU - Bandini, Julia I. AU - Ahluwalia, Sangeeta C. TI - Clinician Perspectives on Group Visits for Advance Care Planning Among Caregivers and Older Adult Patients With Heart Failure AID - 10.3122/jabfm.2021.02.200270 DP - 2021 Mar 01 TA - The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine PG - 375--386 VI - 34 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Am Board Fam Med2021 Mar 01; 34 AB - Background: Advance care planning (ACP) is critical for older adults with heart failure; however, patient-level and clinician-level barriers exist. Although a group visit (GV) approach to engage patients in ACP has proven effective among general geriatric populations, little is known about clinician perceptions/likelihood of referral.Methods: Qualitative study to understand clinician perspectives on GVs for ACP among older adult patients with heart failure and caregivers. Twenty physicians and advance practice providers participated in telephone-based interviews guided by a semistructured research protocol. Transcripts were analyzed using a grounded theory approach.Results: Results highlight variability in clinician engagement in ACP but greater agreement around the factors that prompt discussions. Qualitative themes included (1) inherent properties of GVs (characteristics that make GVs ideal for most but less ideal for some, risk-to-benefit ratio); (2) purpose of GVs (general education, “priming the pump” for subsequent discussions, providing tools for action); and (3) format and procedures for GVs (inclusion/exclusion considerations, organizing by unifying characteristic, link back to clinicians).Conclusions: This is the first study to gain clinician insights into ACP GVs specific to patients and caregivers affected by heart failure. Results shed light on an important topic and suggest key considerations for conducting GVs for ACP.