PT - JOURNAL ARTICLE AU - MacBrayne, Christine E. AU - Hurley, Laura P. AU - O'Leary, Sean T. AU - Cataldi, Jessica R. AU - Crane, Lori A. AU - Gorman, Carol AU - Brtnikova, Michaela AU - Beaty, Brenda L. AU - Kempe, Allison TI - Primary Care Physicians' Perspective on Pharmacists Delivering Vaccines to Adults AID - 10.3122/jabfm.2021.02.200486 DP - 2021 Mar 01 TA - The Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine PG - 392--397 VI - 34 IP - 2 4099 - 4100 - SO - J Am Board Fam Med2021 Mar 01; 34 AB - Introduction: Since 2009, pharmacists in all 50 states have been authorized to provide vaccinations to adults. The objective of this study was to assess primary care physicians' (PCPs) experiences with and attitudes about pharmacists administering vaccinations.Methods: Internet and mail survey of PCPs representative of American College of Physicians' and American Academy of Family Physicians' memberships.Results: Response rate was 69% (642/926). Ninety-eight percent of respondents agreed (79% “Strongly,” 19% “Somewhat”) that it is their responsibility to assure their adult patients receive recommended vaccinations. Most respondents agreed that pharmacists either did not have access to patient medical information (33% “Strongly,” 45% “Somewhat”) or did not have adequate vaccination history (33% “Strongly,” 41% “Somewhat”). The majority also agreed that pharmacists did not inform them when vaccinations were given (35% “Strongly,” 39% “Somewhat”) and did not enter vaccinations administered into immunization information systems (IISs) (20% “Strongly,” 37% “Somewhat”). However, 83% agreed (31% “Strongly,” 52% “Somewhat”) that it is helpful to have pharmacists share the role of vaccinating adults.Conclusions: PCPs have mixed feelings about pharmacists delivering vaccines. Universal use of IISs by pharmacists could partially address physicians' concerns by providing a systematic way for pharmacists and physicians to share patient vaccination histories.