Haritomane Brillakis, MPH; Sarah Fleischer, MS; Rachel Hogg-Graham, DrPH; Lars E. Peterson, MD, PhD
Corresponding Author: Lars Peterson, MD, PhD; Department of Health Management and Policy, College of Public Health, University of Kentucky
Email: lpeterson@theabfm.org
DOI: 10.3122/jabfm.2024.240104R1
Keywords: Community Medicine, Family Physicians, Health Services, Primary Health Care, Public Health, Social Determinants of Health, Social Service
Dates: Submitted: 03-04-2024; Revised: 05-10-2024; Accepted: 05-20-2024
Status: In production for ahead of print.
Based on our analysis of data from 10,802 family physicians, we found significant variation in collaboration with local social service agencies by rurality. This variation highlights the need for tailored strategies that address disparities in healthcare resource utilization and collaboration, particularly improving service access and delivery.